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25 Anniversary WPP at 25

The industry's biggest pitch... The view from Harvard... "Asian domination"... 25 pioneering initiatives... Read some of the commentary and articles published around the world when WPP celebrated its 25th birthday in 2010.

Joseph L. Bower25 Years On - By Joseph L. Bower

A quarter of a century after the Group was founded, Joseph L. Bower of Harvard Business School offers an independent appraisal of what WPP has achieved along the way.

Map of Asia"WPP's Asian Domination"

Sir Martin Sorrell's enduring passion for Asia has cemented WPP as a part of the landscape. Media magazine maps the company's history in the region.

25 anniversary logo WPP Milestones - 25 pioneering initiatives and achievements

In the quarter of a century since WPP was founded, the Group has constantly pushed the boundaries in creating innovative new programs designed to help its companies stay ahead of the industry.

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