1,284 Traffic Lights

The Land Rover Freelander has something new to proclaim: a Stop Start Automatic feature. What it does is switch off the engine whenever the driver stops. As a result, the vehicle consumes less fuel and produces fewer carbon dioxide emissions.

In order to communicate this benefit to 20,000 urbanites, Wunderman hit on the idea '1,284 Opportunities To Save Money' based on the 1,284 traffic lights in the Frankfurt area. Recipients were sent a map of their city (whether it was Frankfurt, Munich, Hamburg or Berlin) highlighting 1,284 (or similar number) traffic lights/opportunities to save money in their area, when driving in the Freelander.

The response to 1,284 Opportunities To Save Money made for impressive statistics. Of 20,000 people targeted, 835 vehicles were sold of which 434 received the mailing.